Talking to Your Parents
About Their Finances

There’s a good chance you will have to get involved with your parents’ finances either while they are living or when they die. That’s why it’s so important to start talking with them about their finances before an emergency strikes.

That might seem like a difficult conversation to have — but it doesn’t have to be. Below you’ll find a conversation starter cheat sheet that will help you prepare and make the process easier. The cheat sheet is a great companion to the advice offered in my book, Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk: How to Have Essential Conversations With Your Parents About Their Finances.

Conversation Starter Cheat Sheet

Download this step-by-step guide to having conversations with your parents about their finances.

    Don't Miss Out! ORDER NOW!

    "An excellent step-by-step guide to navigate what can be time-consuming, uncomfortable conversations."

    - Michelle Singletary, The Washington Post

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